Tak lama lagi dah event ni. macam mana preparation. oh TIDAKKKK...kenapa lutut kiri ni ada masalah....
Sangat kecewa dengan keadaan ini. tetapi maybe ini dugaan yang Allah beri kepada June, untuk terus tabah menghadapi segala macam lagi dugaan yang akan datang.
Perkara ini dah lama jadi, sebelum ini sebelum Perlis Duathlon lutut kanan buat hal kesakitan melampau. recovery do nothing sebelum event tu. alhamdulillah manage untuk habiskan tetapi June kecewa dengan pencapaian kali ni. hanya boleh habis di tempat ke-4. Lutut jem tak dapat nak melajukan langkah kayuhan dan larian.
Dah lama tak lari, bermula cerita larian June. TQ so much buddies yang temankan dan meberi banyak tips larian. selama ini June lari pakai belasah jer. Dalam usaha untuk membaiki timing larian. terjdai kejadian yang June tak sangka. Lutut kiri pulak yang sakit. kesakitan yang sama seperti lutut kanan sebelum ni. OHHHH...NOOOOO....lagi sekali.
Semasa lutut kanan dulu advise dari Shahrom Abdullah suruh urut di Touch n Touch massage berurut dengan sifu. No. 10. kalau ada sesiapa yang berhajat nak pergi berurut Thai boleh la pergi kat situ. no. tetefon ni untuk booking 03-61869720 selalu penuh jer. so boleh la budget waktu.
Lutut kiri dah juga pergi urut, tetapi bkn dengan sifu, sifu tak de balik Thailand. so meneruskan juga perjuangan untuk meneruskan usaha memperbaiki timing larian. Demam pulak. Anyway semalam cubaan seterusnya. harap tidak sakit lutut, malangnya ia masih sakit juga. So amik keputusan untuk pergi jumpa doctor. so search klinik yang ada xray. so pape leh xray terus. Tapi doctor tak suruh xray. bagi ubat dulu tgk mcm mana. tak ok..baru jumpa pakar. hope swelling kat dalam jela...aduhhhh...nk tarining mcm mana ni...
MECOBALAMIN - Untuk urat
Mecobalamin is a common misspelling of methylcobalamin, one of several forms of vitamin B12. It is among the cobalamin family of compounds, and as the properly spelled name attests, it contains an attached methyl group. It is naturally produced by bacteria and is often present in the human body at low levels. It also has pharmaceutical applications in the treatment of a number of conditions, and is clinically relevant in the case of patients with Arakawa's syndrome II, a metabolic disorder characterized by the inability to metabolize mecobalamin.
Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for the human body. This water-soluble compound plays a role in neurological function, and is also involved in the process of producing blood. Mecobalamin can be used in the treatment of anemia when a patient has a B12 deficiency, and it is also employed in the care of patients with neurological disorders. Neuropathy, where the peripheral nervous system does not function normally and patients experience numbness, tingling, and other symptoms, can be treated with this substance. The drug is also used in the early treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
T.PREDNISOLONE - untuk bengkak
Prednisone is a corticosteroid, a man-made form of the steroids that the body naturally produces to fight illnesses and injuries.
Prednisone acts as a replacement for people with low levels of cortisol, one of the natural steroid hormones.
The drug also can also effectively reduce swelling and redness.
Doctors prescribe prednisone alone or in combination with other medications to treat a variety of conditions, including:
- Certain forms of arthritis
- Some forms of cancer
- Severe allergic reactions
- Multiple sclerosis
- Lupus
- Lung diseases
- Skin conditions
- Eye problems
- Kidney disease
- Thyroid disease
- Stomach and intestinal problems
Meloxicam is used to treat arthritis. It reduces pain, swelling, and stiffness of the joints. Meloxicam is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section.
OTHER USES: This section contains uses of this drug that are not listed in the approved professional labeling for the drug but that may be prescribed by your health care professional. Use this drug for a condition that is listed in this section only if it has been so prescribed by your health care professional.
This medication may also be used to treat gout attacks.
Thank You Mr. Google
Yang paling tak tahan ubat bengkak tu kene telan 6 biji...adehhhh